24 hours of art, music, and films is one insane idea. Art All Night is Trenton, NJ’s annual community arts festival. This year a reported 18,000+ people passed through the cavernous Roebling Wire Works – filled to the gills with art. To make this event happen there is a dedicated crew of volunteers and sponsors – who are all great.
This Art All Night was the fifth, and probably the best so far. In previous years I’ve pitched in here and there, but prefer to attend as a regular guy to experience it, rather than work it. Although I’d haul out the garbage if asked. Anyway, when I arrived with camera in tow I thought I’d take a few photos of people I know – with their eyes closed – since many of them would be staying up the entire 24 hours.
There’s something serene about a portrait with this intention. I was thinking of the French photographer Philippe Halsman and how he would ask his subjects to jump in the air – the subjects’ expressions he caught were delightful.
I didn’t get too far before I realized I was working and felt it best that I take a break. So the edit is rather skimpy – maybe I’ll do it again properly when I can control the environment somewhat.
Thanks Artworks – you inspired me again.