After Burn was a project I was asked to participate in the Fall of 2011. The concept was borrowed from a group that once a year would have a back yard fire and invite artists to bring one piece of their own to chuck on the fire and be rid of it – love it. Although the attendance of our Burn was a bit light, the collaborative minds were engaged – initially – with seemingly hidden agendas unraveling. Which begs the question, can artists’ be curators? Or, is it best for that not to happen. The mix at this burn was primarily artists, save for a few with fairly decent community organizing skills.

My interest was to take portraits of the artists’ with their art in the woods – before burning it. That was the only way I would be apart of the project – and believe me, I had plenty of art I could burn at a moments notice. This was a fun challenge, since I very much enjoy night photography, and the subject matter was truly great.

The thought was, that with the photos, the amazingly cool slow motion video that was made, and a potential project made out of the ashes – all this content would be ready made for a gallery – some or all. Believe me, the video footage was by far was the coolest thing you ever did see – and probably never will. The majority of the burners work jobs as well as making art, nobody really has authorship of the project – shame.

I am glad to have this little set of portraits of the folks involved at least. Art collaborations can have the best of intentions.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I changed the text on my glitter painting – too embarrassed to publish the original – it was a really bad idea – glad it burned.